Tuesday 24 May 2011

God I am so mad arrghhhhhhhh

My two little lads are the only children in year six at their school that are not definate about the secondary school they are going to.
This all because we chose what we thought was the best school, lots of people telling us that they would be very well cared for once they were in the school despite the cold outward appearance and 'closed shop' nature of said school.
Following a meeting with the headteacher, being left bewildered and shocked at her dickensian attitude we were assured that the SEN department could work with her and sort things out. The meeting was held on the 25th March. To date we have had no further communication from the school despite having a place there. There was great concern over space to provide an area for the boys to retreat to for calming down periods - this we understood. SEN department told the school they would do an environmental audit - this was carried out on the 12th May. I was assured I would receive a copy of this report. Tail end of last week I phoned asking where it was, to be told that the person conducting the audit had done so but was then not in the office for all of last week as she works on a contract basis. I was very annoyed given that this is crucial to our final decision. I was assured I would get it today - I phoned to see if I could collect it and was told said person had phoned in sick. I questioned why this person could not have typed up the report and emailed it into the office, why does she have to be in the office to do the report in this wonderful age of technology?
I have two vulnerable children waiting to find out what secondary school they will go to. One of them has had a couple of meltdowns over it crying and getting very upset because he is unsure what is happening. They are both diagnosed with anxiety as well as TS and they are adding to anxiety as each day passes. We were told in February we had a place and due to the stinking attitude of the arrogant school we chose we are left in this position.
How dare we be treated like this, I thought this whole process was to help protect us from exactly what is happening.
How can this be acceptable in anyones imagination?
Why did the SEN department get this particular person to do the audit knowing she was not going to be able to provide the report for a further week? Local to the school they should have got another member of the team to carry it out.
If this was a business offering a service to paying customers this would not be acceptable. Why is it acceptable in local government?
Once we have a place at a school and transition starts I will be taking this further, I am not going to let this go - i am so mad I am shaking :evil:

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