Tuesday 13 September 2011

What a difference a statement makes

Talking to another mum this evening whos son has TS but unfortunately no statement.
Having a really horrible time, not getting any support even in lessons where he could potentially hurt himself. Has increasingly bad anxiety and feels sick a lot of the time. Banned from going to the medical room but not given another option of a 'retreat' area. 
Comments by teachers about lack of concentration, eye rolling and not listening (hello this is a tic !!)
Handwriting a big problem (despite this being well documented as an issue with TS) but no laptop.
Unfortunately mum not aware of parent partnership and the support and advice that can provide - she is now !!!
Thank god the boys have their statement and the hours that provides.
So much depends on funding, schools are stretched to the limit and with further budget cuts from government vulnerable children without a statement will suffer as schools cannot afford to provide extra support without the money. What will happen to these poor children? What happens to their poor stressed out parents?

this mum cannot go to a meeting at school without ending up in floods of tears. It should not get this bad before someone gets the right help. I know exactly how she feels, I have been there in her shoes, godforbid we end up there again.

Young boys like this will become teenagers. Teenagers that hate school and believe that no one cares what happens to them or does anything to help them. They will become angry and get themselves into trouble.  If they are supported and helped at the right time this will not happen. Someone needs to wake up !!

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