Monday 5 September 2011

Big day tomorrow

Hi everyone
Boys start secondary tomorrow and the school could not be more prepared.
After our disastrous start to the secondary process and the discrimination we recevied from our first school of choice, the school we decided on have been incredible.
They have had a TS specialist in for an inset day for whole school / borough training
Risk assement in place - put together with me at the meeting
Tic management plan - put together with me at meeting
Planned learning breaks
Retreat room which the boys decorated with posters today with a small desk and beanbags/cushions.
Peer awareness planned for this coming friday by TS specialist - meeting arranged with me later in the afternoon for an update. She will also see the boys to see how they are settling in during their first few days.
Distraction techniques
OT due to go into school to introduce sensory diet 3 times a day
'Catch up'  planned following so much school missed over last 3 years
5 TAs to rotate between the boys for different lessons. One of them overseeing the others and an extra pair of hands should someone be off.
Application for funding for purpose built area
I have since found out they have 2 other children at school with TS so the specialist advice we have been able to introduce to our borough following advice from Tourettes Action will be invaluable for the other children too. Thanks to the helpline.
If it wasnt for our horrible experience with the first school we would never have found out about this one. They did us a great big favour without realising it - they should hang their heads in shame.

I just pray the boys make friends quickly as they are concerned about not having their existing supportive friends with them. 


  1. Thinking of you all tomorrow - best of luck to Ben & Joe. I'm glad that you inital awful time with the supposedly 'best' school in the area has had such a good outcome - as you said, they actually did you a favour. At least you now know that both Ben & Joe will be cared for in a safe environment. I hope they have a wonderful first day. K x

  2. Best of Luck and I hope they both settle well. xxx Thinking of you all xxx

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