Monday, 17 June 2013

3 months on - yes it was the start of a new wave of tics :(

So here we are 17th June, 5 weeks left of year 8.
School are still being as supportive, flexible, creative as they can be.
Unfortunately due to this recent wax in tics the boys have missed a lot of school. Even when they have been there they have not been able to achieve very much.

This condition is so cruel in so many ways.  Not only do they have to deal with being very different outwardly to their peers but they also have to deal with the roller coaster of the tics.  When they are in a waning period they start to build confidence by doing more at school, getting into some lessons with their tutor groups, joining in more with friends at home and just simply being more active.  Then the tics kick in again and its 1 step forward 3 steps back continuously.  I worry now that as young teenagers this is going to affect their self esteem more and more.  They simply cannot do what a lot of the other kids are doing.  They don't have the stamina or fitness levels to keep up with them.  The medication and constant ticcing makes them exceptionally tired.  They get quite insecure and emotional during these periods.  They rely heavily on me to remind them of simple tasks because although they are bright boys when the tics are heightened they seem to lose the ability to process information as they would do normally.  They have the memory of a goldfish. 

We are also dealing with puberty and simply being teenagers trying to make their mark but I worry they are going to be left behind by their local friends very soon.  Im not sure where that is going to leave them.  They have a couple of friends from school but don't show much interest in meeting up with them outside of school. They rely heavily on their local primary school friends.

For us as parents its very very difficult, watching your child struggle daily.  Lying awake until gone midnight because the tics keep them awake.  Realising that the next morning to stand half a chance of coping at school they need to sleep in which takes away half the morning.
We have to balance helping them cope with pushing in certain situations because we have to prepare them for the future and they have to realise they cant opt out of everything because of their tics. This is the most difficult thing.

Unfortunately they have become to rely heavily on their computers for their entertainment. It doesn't help that one of their main friends is also obsessed with computer games and so getting them outside is a nightmare.  The summer holidays is going to be difficult because I know I am going to have to put my foot down on how long they can be on their computers each day but I wonder just what else they can do at this age given they are not sporty, they are not the kind of kids to hang around town (and I wouldn't let them anyway !) they don't have the confidence to go to clubs.

For me personally Im finding the last 7 years of stress really taking its toll. My tolerance levels are zero - I go from calm to raging in seconds.  I feel sometimes on the verge of panic attack and on the verge of tears at the drop of a hat. There is no help out there for us mums and dads with children of tourettes. I had two professionals over the last few years promising to put me in touch with an agency that can give me some stress counselling but they never came up with it. 

There are the support groups with Tourettes action but to be honest I am sick and tired of talking about it and don't really want to do that.  The boys don't show any interest in meeting other kids with TS either.  I feel it is already all consuming that I don't want my social life taken up with it as well.
Next year we have options to consider. I feel we will need to review this early in the year and be sensible about the remaining school year. I don't see the point in them continuing to struggle with subjects they have no intention of taking when they are behind in the ones they do want to take. I feel they will need to have extra tuition in the subjects they want to do and drop the others early.  Otherwise they may lose out when applying for their options due to not being up to date with the work etc. 

We have two wonderful caring, handsome boys who are developing a very good understanding of other peoples differences and are tolerant to others. For that we should be very grateful. So many kids of their age think of nothing but themselves.  They are polite and friendly. I would just like whoever or whatever it is out there to give them a break. They really, really deserve a break. They deserve to be able to go to bed and go to sleep without the tics. They deserve to be able to get up in the morning and not take 3 hours to get sorted and get to school. They deserve to not be stressed at by me !! Joe deserves to be able to go to cricket club more than twice and to be able to play in the team he was heading for.   They deserve so much more than what is constantly coming their way and knocking them back time and time again.

1 comment:

  1. :(
    sorry to hear they (and you)'re struggling. are you friends with any of the parents of their local friends? just wondered if they could go for a sleepover to at least give you a chance to have an evening off once in a while.

    it may feel like they're behind now, but when they're older and their tics have reduced, they'll still be as polite and caring, and will be able to catch up on some of the things they've missed.
