Monday 27 June 2011

Still going well

Things are still going well for Joe and Ben at school, despite still having tics daily which take them out of the class at times, they are managing to enjoy school and remain there for the whole day.  This is showing in their confidence and their determination in the mornings to get to school, even if they are feeling ticcy. In the past it would have been very difficult to get them there if the day started badly. So nice for them to be involved in daily school life. They have managed a concert at a secondary school walking there and back which would not have been possible a few months ago. 

Both boys have received their mouthsplints which is part of a trial but unfortunately they still dont seem to be doing anything. Nothing like the results we saw in the surgery so guess its another trip to Torquay to get them checked out.  I am hoping they are not fitting correctly - as then we still have hope that we can get the results we saw a few weeks ago.

Secondary school are being fantastic. We had a short visit after school the other day, boys wandered around with map for 20 mins to get their bearings.  They were given blazers to try on which they enjoyed so we know what size to buy now !  I have learned that 4 TAs will attend our primary school for 3 days to shadow the existing TAs and get to know Joe and Ben. This is fantastic news and we are hoping this can happen before their day visit on the 7th as it would help their anxiety to know a couple of faces.  Joe was very upset at having to change school choice at the last minute and although he is not ecstatic he is definately coming round and does not comment when the school is mentioned. He is looking forward to joining the cricket and tennis after school clubs.  Ben accepted it from the beginning but did comment that it might take them a while to make friends as they have tourettes. When asked why that should be he said he and Joe dont know how to act around people that dont know them. Bless.

The other school that were so rude and offputting are performing a show which the year 6 kids have been invited to. Ben said he didnt want to go, didnt want to set foot in it as he didnt want to see the headteacher who has been so mean.  He has a point, dont think I would want to go either. However I explained that the whole year group are going so he will be fine. 

Today they are setting up a little stall outside school at 3.30 to sell lemonade, homemade cakes (made by Joe last night) and ice pops.  Very enterprising :) Dell boy and Rodney spring to mind !!

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